Therapy /Psychomotor treatment

First Visit

If you have questions or concerns about difficulties your child is experiencing, I invite you to contact me via email or phone. I will explain what my work entails, or together we can clarify whether a psychomotor assessment is needed.

Next, I’ll propose an initial visit involving an interview. This allows me to delve deeper into the patient’s needs and their medical, family and school history. This information helps establish the psychomotor diagnosis and remains confidential.


Psychomotor Assessment

The psychomotor assessment process consists of 3 stages:

Psychomotor assessment sessions: These involve scales, tests and psychomotor observations to measure the patient’s difficulties and competencies. (Generally, two sessions for babies under 2 years and two or three for children over 3 years.)

Results analysis: This establishes the patient’s psychomotor profile and the drafting of a detailed report
with treatment objectives.

Feedback of the report: A session with the family and the patient to explain conclusions and propose the psychomotor treatment plan and objectives.

With prior parental consent, the report can be shared with professionals (doctors, therapists, teachers, etc.) involved in the child’s care for coordinated support.

Premature Baby

During Neonatal Unit Admission:

Specializing in prematurity, I offer early therapeutic attention to premature babies at a critical moment where medical needs take precedence. Focusing on the baby’s well-being, the psychomotor therapist considers them as a person in development where non-medicated attention makes sense and contributes to humanizing care.

The goal is to enhance the physical and mental well-being of the premature newborn, promoting as harmonious psychomotor development as possible and limiting the consequences of prematurity for both the premature baby and their parents. The psychomotor therapist’s work aligns with individualized care programs focused on premature baby development (NIDCAP®/ Bullinger’s sensory motor development support). These programs are essential in neonatal units today, internationally recognized, contributing to reducing hospital stays and improving the quality of life for hospitalized children.

With my work experience in neonatal care unit and training in Bullinger’s sensory motor development support, I am competent to evaluate and treat the tonal, sensory, motor and emotional peculiarities of premature babies and the quality of early parent-child interactions. I focus on offering the possibility of better development not only at the sensorimotor level, but also at the relational and cognitive levels (fundamental bases in the overall development of each individual).


Intervention Axes:

Early Intervention for the Baby : (postural care/sensory-motor stimulation/preventing feeding disorders/limiting stress and pain).

Supporting Parents in Interactions with the Baby: (kangaroo care support/ baby-carrier/therapeutic relaxation/premature baby massages).

Team Training on Development-Centered Care: (harmonizing practices/updating knowledge in psychomotor development).


After Discharge: Individual Sessions


I can either attend to newborns babies with mild regulation difficulties (irritability, sleep or feeding issues) or motor delays and infants with already diagnosed pathologies.

I always work with the family during therapy. It is essential for me to provide a safe and conducive environment to enhance the baby’s psychomotor skills based on the pleasure of movement.

The first two years of life are crucial for optimal baby development. It is one of the most intense periods of brain growth, where a greater number of neuronal connections are formed. The earlier targeted attention is provided to address the baby’s difficulties, the greater the possibility of recovery.

The psychomotor therapist seeks to understand the mechanisms that allow a change in developmental processes, such as maturation, experience, stimuli, desire and the child’s environment. Consequently, as a therapist, they have tools to modify, to the extent possible, the trajectory of development, or to stimulate and/or compensate for it.

servicios terapeuticos

Kids Teenagers

I propose an individualized and respectful treatment tailored to each individual’s pace.
The objectives of psychomotor treatment focus on:


Why you might consult a psychomotor therapist (to give you a non-exhaustive idea):

Psychomotricity can be offered at any stage of life, including adults and seniors. The psychomotor therapist uses the body as a working tool when there is any deregulation in a person’s development or in response to illnesses. This can be at the physical or emotional level, but the goal is always to rediscover harmony between body and mind and improve the person’s quality of life. I have genuine listening and empathy for my patients and strive to accompany them in the most holistic way, taking into account their bio-psycho-social aspects.

In my clinical practice, I use psychosomatic relaxation and relaxing massages. Together, we explore which method is appropriate to guide you toward overall better well-being, both physically and mentally.


Any questions?

Get in contact with me, i will resolve your doubts